Xavier here. I am writing to welcome you to my brand new website: xavierdurante.com
Please indulge me by taking a few moments to familiarize yourself with this self-important web-based platform for my acting, filmmaking, and photographic works.
You’ll find that you have access to all of my work through the Home page and “Portfolio” dropdown menu. On the About page, you can expect to find a brief description of who I am accompanied by a humorously pretentious self-portrait (black turtleneck and all). On the Services page, you may read all about my work experience and get a sense of the types of projects that I am available to be hired for. If you are interested in hiring me for any acting, filmmaking, or photography-related projects, you may contact me through the appropriately-named Contact page. That leaves one more page: the News page that you are presently viewing. You may expect to find updates regarding various projects and career endeavors of mine on this here web page.
I’d like to take a moment to thank Shirlene Do, the individual who helped turn my vague vision for a website into the digital reality that you are currently experiencing.
I would also like to thank you, my friend, for taking the time to visit my website and read this lengthy introductory post. I hope that you will continue to accompany me along this journey toward fame and fortune and self-indulgent artistic fulfillment.
Until next time,